Kentaro Sugi
杉 謙太郎
そして跡形もなく消え去ります。 ゆえに、生の会と言えるでしょう。
1975年 福岡生まれ 18歳より花の道へ
2013 年 museum as itis にて花会
2014年 志賀直哉旧居、新薬師寺、東大寺二月堂参籠所での花会
2015年 濱田庄司参考館にて花会
2016年 台湾上海にて花会
2017年 東大寺 狂言舞台と花の奉納
2018年 小田原老欅荘にて花会
Pavillon MIWA(パリ)にて花会
韓国 オランダ にて花会
2019年 Gallery NAO MASAKIにて花会
2020年 新潮社 工芸青花にて花会
2023年 江之浦測候所にて花会
2024年 東京画廊にて個展
東京、Pavillon MIWA(パリ)にて花会
Kentaro Sugi is a Japanese contemporary IKEBANA artist fromFukuoka, Kyushu Prefecture.
Performing actively both in Japan and abroad.
After studying traditional ikebana, Kentaro Sugi still continues to pursue his own and unique expression,
creating modern works from various perspectives and angles rather than the old-fashioned ikebana style.
Kentaro Sugi's “Flower Introductions” live sessions last between one and two hours, during which you can see himself sculpting the flowers.
One after another, the flowers come to life, raditing brightness as if they were locked in a moment of life before vanishing into thin air.
His performance feels like it was an encounter with life.
Born in Fukuoka in 1975
From the age of 18 to the flower road
Studied under Mr. Kozo Harada
2013 museum “as it is” at a flower party
2014 Shiga old house, Shin Yakushiji, Todaiji temple
2015 Hamada Shoji Sankokan Museum
2016 Shanghai, Taiwan
2017 Todaiji temple, Beijing
2018 Odawara ROKYOSO
Pavillon MIWA Paris
Korea, Holland
2019 Gallery NAO MASAKI
2020 Shinchosha Kogei Seika
2023 Enoura Observatory
Tama Art University
Special Lecture at Kanazawa College of Art
2024 Solo exhibition at Tokyo Gallery
Tokyo, Pavillon MIWA Paris
Todaiji temple
Roppongi Art Night 2024
Currently, through the practice of flowers held throughout the country, it is spreading its spirit.